About SymbiaVC’s values and branding – How the company name reflects our core values
The symbiosis between a venture capital fund and a startup refers to a mutually beneficial relationship of the two entities. Additionally, the shortened word with the “female ending” represents to us openness, innovation, diversity, and a new gender approach within the male dominated timber and forest industry. The brand SymbiaVC incorporates all our core parameters and values.
Based on our vision and mission for the newly established CVC fund we defined the company’s core parameters and values which should be expressed through the company name.
- Venture Capital Fund
- Connection to the wood and timber industry
- Being investor and sparring partner
- Trustworthy, open and strong
- International, diverse and sustainable
Symbiosis was a word which seemed like a perfect fit to our values. Symbiosis originates from Greek symb.ōsis, translating to „living together”.
It means any type of a close and long-term biological interaction between two different biological organisms. The organisms, each termed a symbiont, must be of different species.
Based on its biological usage, the term „symbiosis” can also be applied to mutually beneficial business relationships.
For our newly established venture capital fund “Symbiosis” proved to be a beautiful word to describe the beneficial and long-term partnerships with our innovative startup companies. In addition to financial backing, the Symbia venture capital company would also provide strategic guidance, industry expertise, and valuable connections to other investors and potential customers.
We shortened the term and gave it a “female” ending – a” (as common in many European languages). To us this represented openness, innovation, diversity, and a new gender approach within the male dominated timber and forest industry.
Having developed a strong brand identity with SymbiaVC made us even more confident to push our market presence further.
Today it gives us and potential partners guidance about who we are and what we want to achieve in this world. Overall, the symbiotic relationship between venture capital funds and startups helps to drive innovation, impact, and economic growth, as well as create new job opportunities.